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Loader Injuries On NYC Construction Sites: How To Prevent, Address & Recover

Loader Injuries On NYC Construction Sites: How To Prevent, Address & Recover

Loaders are heavy construction vehicles used for moving materials like soil, gravel, and debris. Commonly found on New York City construction sites, these machines can be dangerous if workers don’t operate or maintain them properly.

And while mandatory workplace safety protocols address many of the issues surrounding loaders on NYC sites, accidents can and still happen even when protocols are followed. With this in mind, if you or a loved one has been injured in a loader accident, you should speak with a skilled New York loader injury lawyer without delay.

Here, the award-winning New York City construction accident attorneys at Schwartzapfel Lawyers are prepared to fight to get you all the money and benefits you’re owed. So, please, don’t let your bills go unpaid while you’re recovering from your loader injury — not when you don’t have to. Instead, call us now at 516-342-2200 for a free consultation and so much more!

How Common Are Loader Injuries On Construction Sites?

Loaders are essential for moving materials like dirt, gravel, or debris, making them essential for many types of construction jobs. The risk of injury is almost always present when heavy machinery is involved. Loaders are low to the ground and used to move heavy loads, which can also create risk for surrounding workers on the ground.

Loader injuries aren’t uncommon. Proper safety practices and regular maintenance can significantly reduce the risk of loader accidents on construction sites.

What Types Of Loaders Injuries Are Common On Construction Sites?

Workers operating or working near loaders can be injured in a number of ways, including but not limited to:

Crush Injuries

Getting caught between the loader and another object or being pinned under the machine can cause severe crush injuries. Being trapped under a dropped load of dirt or debris can cause workers to become crushed or smothered. Crush injuries often lead to broken bones, and in serious cases, they may even lead to amputation.

Falling From The Loader

Operators or workers on foot can fall from loaders or while climbing onto or off of them. This accident is most common when working in wet, muddy, or snowy conditions. Falls from loaders can cause serious injuries like broken bones or head trauma, so it’s important for workers to always use the right safety gear and follow safety rules, especially in wet or slippery conditions.

Being Struck By A Loader

Workers can be struck by loaders or by materials being moved by loaders, including being run over by a loader. This happens most often when a loader makes an unexpected or wide turn or drives on uneven terrain. Being hit by a loader or the workplace materials it’s moving can cause serious injuries. As such, construction workers should stay alert and keep a safe distance when loaders are turning or driving over uneven ground.

How Can You Prevent Loader Injuries On Construction Sites?

Preventing loader injuries typically requires a combination of training, safety measures, and proper maintenance.

Proper Employee Training

Driving a loader is different from driving a car, truck, or forklift. Workers shouldn’t be allowed to operate a loader unless they know how to do so safely.

Ensure all operators are trained and certified to operate loaders safely. Training should cover operational techniques, safety procedures, and recognizing hazards. Drivers need to know how to keep a load stable, how to abide by the loader’s weight limit, and how to safely make turns when driving a loader.

Mandatory Safety Equipment

All workers are required to have access to personal protective equipment (PPE) such as hard hats, high-visibility vests, steel-toed boots, and gloves. This equipment may not protect the worker driving the loader, but it can help the drivers spot and avoid other workers on the ground in the area around the loader.

Regularly Check The Loader

The loader driver should regularly check the loaders to ensure they are in good working condition. Testing the brakes and hydraulics at the end of each work day can spot hazards before they lead to serious accidents.


Maintain clear communication between operators and ground workers to prevent accidents, especially when loaders are moving or lifting materials. Ground employees should be familiar with the path the loader is going to follow and avoid its path. The driver should loudly announce or signal upcoming turns or the intention to back up.

Regularly Service The Loader

Loaders need regular maintenance and should be on a schedule. Keep a record of when hydraulics and breaks were last serviced and when the tires were last changed. It’s better to properly fix a loader than it is to use “good enough for now” fixes that may actually make the loader more dangerous to operate.

To learn more now, call Schwartzapfel Lawyers at 516-342-2200 or schedule your free consultation with us online today. Alternatively, please continue reading.

What Should You Do If You Experience A Loader Injury On The Job?

If you’re injured while operating or working near a loader on an NYC construction site, you should consider taking the following steps:

Go To The Hospital

Even if your injuries appear minor at first, you should seek immediate and qualified medical care. This is because prompt medical treatment can help prevent complications as well as document the extent of your injuries for evidentiary purposes.

Note: You typically don’t need to wait to see a workers’ comp doctor in an emergency situation, even if your employer tells you to. This is because a loader injury will likely be considered an emergency, allowing the injured party to receive their choice of emergency medical assistance first.

Hire A Skilled Workers’ Compensation Attorney

No matter your situation, you should consider consulting with a skilled workers’ comp attorney to discuss your claim. They can guide you through the entire process and make sure your rights are protected at every turn.

So whether you’ve been hurt at work or need help with an existing claim, the experienced New York City workers’ compensation attorneys at Schwartzapfel Lawyers can help you succeed – legally, financially, and beyond.

Please, don’t wait until it’s too late. Your window to recover financially may soon close forever. To keep that from happening, act now and call us at 516-342-2200 for a free consultation and/or case evaluation.

Report The Injury To Your Boss

As soon as it’s safe to do so, you should notify your supervisor and/or employer about the accident. Note: In NYC, you typically have (30) days to report a work-related injury.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter if there were witnesses to the accident or if your boss has already been made aware of the situation. Workers’ compensation requires injured workers to have a detailed official injury report filed within (30) days. Otherwise, the Workers’ Comp Board (WCB) may deny your claim along with any money or benefits you’re entitled to.

Keep Records

You should always keep hospital bills and test results from your emergency visit, along with a copy of your detailed injury report. As well, if you have photos of your injuries or the accident site, you should hold onto those. Remember, any relevant information you can gather now may be useful to your claim later on.

How To File A Workers’ Compensation Claim For A Loader Injury

Any worker who is injured or becomes ill while performing job-related duties is generally eligible to file for workers’ compensation. To help your claim succeed, you should consider taking such steps as:

Notifying Your Employer

Inform your employer about your injury and request the necessary forms for filing a workers’ compensation claim. Make sure you file a detailed injury report with your employer within (30) days of the accident. If you don’t, you could lose your eligibility to recover.

Seeing A Workers’ Comp Doctor

Visit a qualified healthcare provider who has been authorized by the Workers’ Comp Board. They can evaluate your injuries and provide you with all necessary medical reports.

Note: Even if you’ve already been treated by another healthcare provider, you will likely still need to be seen by a workers’ comp doctor. You can then share results or diagnostics from your previous evaluations with your workers’ comp doctor.

Completing & Filing Your Claim Form

To file a successful workers’ comp claim, you should accurately fill out the form by describing how the injury occurred and detailing the medical treatment you’ve received so far. Here, too, you should consider including supporting documents like medical records and accident reports, as well as any photos of your injuries or the accident scene, if available.

Said differently, you should give the WCB as much information as you can. Moreover, if you forget to include key information, your claim assessor can request additional information, which can, in turn, increase the overall processing time of your claim and disbursement of benefits.

Communicating With Workers’ Comp

To reiterate, the Workers’ Comp Board is entitled to information requests. For instance, they might require you to see another doctor, receive a specific test, or submit additional documents.

By responding to their requests promptly and diligently, you will be helping your case move toward its ultimate goal of resolution. At the same time, if you fail to respond to their requests in a timely manner, your application may be denied.

Reviewing Your Workers’ Comp Decision

If your claim is approved, you’ll likely be eligible for financial compensation to cover medical expenses and lost wages. Additionally, you may receive assistance transitioning careers if your injury prevents you from returning to your previous job.

If your claim is denied, you should contact a skilled attorney immediately. In this way, the seasoned New York City workers’ compensation attorneys at Schwartzapfel Lawyers are standing by to fight — and win! — for you.

Don’t accept a denial from workers’ comp. It isn’t the end of the road, not by a long shot. Call us now at 516-342-2200 for a free consultation and peace of mind.

Do You Need A Skilled Attorney’s Help With Your Loader Injury Case?

Loader injuries can have devastating consequences and long recovery periods that prevent you from returning to work for months, years, or even permanently. This can cause major financial and emotional stress, which is why it’s so important to get the medical treatment and legal help you need to manage both your physical recovery and financial situation.

To that end, if your workers’ compensation request is denied, you may benefit from experienced legal assistance. What’s more, the award-winning New York City workers’ compensation attorneys at Schwartzapfel Lawyers have over (150) years of combined experience fighting for workers just like you.

It will be our honor and privilege to help you recover from your New York loader accident to the fullest extent of the law. Call us now at 516-342-2200 for a free consultation and start protecting your tomorrows today!

DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this page should be considered legal advice. You should seek the appropriate counsel your situation requires. For more information, call 516-342-2200 now!


Schwartzapfel Lawyers, P.C. | Fighting For You

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