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Medical Malpractice Online Resources

Federal Resources:

Part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this organization is the lead federal agency dedicated to “advancing excellence in healthcare.” Find information on this site pertaining to research on healthcare quality, patient safety, clinical information, data, and surveys.

The CDC’s website provides information designed to protect patients and healthcare workers and to promote safety and quality in support of infection control in healthcare settings.

This FDA section contains information about drug approvals, warnings, recalls, information on medical devices, and additional pharmaceutical-related regulatory information.

This site serves as the FDA gateway for finding clinically-important safety information and reporting serious problems with medical products.

Public Resources:

Find information on being safe as a medical patient, certification requirements for physicians, pertinent news for healthcare quality, and search a national database to find a board-certified physician.

Created to educate and protect patients through awareness of hospital-acquired infections, this organization supports patient advocacy and provides health and safety guidelines as well as patient support information.

This non-profit site was established to encourage patients to ask the tough questions of their medical team during their treatment, specifically regarding surgical risks, the doctors’ skill and experience, and safe care procedures. (Note: While the organization stopped posting new content in 2012, their archives are still accessible and contain a good deal of useful information.)

This nonprofit organization offers research and findings on medical procedures, devices, drugs, and processes to enable healthcare professionals to provide quality patient care.

  • National Patient Safety Foundation

Comprised of members from the healthcare profession, this foundation’s goal is to prevent patient injury through early and appropriate response to evident and potential problems.

New York Resources:

The frequently asked questions page is focused on helping the public better understand the office’s role and the state’s physician discipline program for when a patient has a medical complaint or when medical negligence is discovered.

This website was created in conjunction with the New York Patient Health Information and Quality Improvement Act of 2000 to make it possible for all citizens of New York to get information about physicians.

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