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The Most Dangerous Jobs in the United States

Dangerous Jobs

Not all American workers have jobs where they can arrive at work and know they will come home without harm. In fact, earning a living can be extremely dangerous for thousands of Americans. For those that are at risk for job-related injuries, it is important to understand the New York workers’ compensation benefits and laws.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are some career fields that are more dangerous (and life-threatening) than others. These are based on the perils and general safety hazards that come with the job-related duties.

What are the Most Dangerous Careers?

  • Airline Pilot – While there has been a decrease in the number of flight accidents in general, according to the National Transportation Safety Board, charter flights, air medical and air tour accidents have seen increases in 2013.
  • Animal Care Workers – These individuals can tend or tame wild animals and beasts – in both private and public settings. The workers in these fields not only face extreme physical risk, but also can face severe emotional distress.
  • Construction – Work-related accidents are heightened for those working in the construction field. This is especially true for those that operate or work around heavy machinery, perform roof work and use dangerous tools.
  • Emergency Medical Technicians – These individuals offer emergency medical care to those that have been injured, but the job itself poses significant risks. Not only must they often enter dangerous situations to attend to their patients, but they must speed to and from accident scenes, enter dangerous terrains and even enter hostile territories.
  • Military – Those on active duty in the military have an inherently dangerous job. Whether they are deployed to war or called on to assist in a disaster, they face numerous emotional and physical risks.
  • Firefighters – Firefighters are required to enter burning buildings to save others and extinguish the flames. Their injuries can range from falls to severe burns to back injuries.
  • Truck Drivers – Truckers are on the road more often than any other drivers in the United States. They are at high-risk for vehicle accidents, drowsy driving, etc. – despite regulations that are meant to help protect these drivers.
  • Lumberjacks – Loggers and lumberjacks can fall from great heights, be injured by heavy machinery or be hit by falling objects.
  • Prison Workers – Prison workers are in an extremely violent and hazardous environment. They often deal with convicts, dangerous situations and individuals that may even suffer from mental illnesses.
  • Police Officers – Police officers face numerous job hazards on the street and even at the police station. While their work and roles can vary, police officers risk their lives daily to keep the lives of other safe.

On-the-Job Injuries: Do You Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Those injured on the job in New York may qualify for workers’ compensation insurance benefits. As a state-mandated insurance program for injured workers, these benefits are paid to you through your employer’s insurance program – offering compensation for on-the-job injuries and medical expenses associated with those injuries.  If you have been injured at work, regardless of the career field you are in, speak with an attorney from Schwartzapfel® Lawyers P.C. today. Call us at 1-877-737-4806 to schedule a consultation or contact an attorney online.

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