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Traumatic Brain Injuries & Your Rights: 5 Things You Must Know

traumatic brain injury scan

What is it and who is at risk?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are 2.87 Million emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and deaths related to traumatic brain injury per year.

Every day 155 people in the U.S. die from a brain injury-related condition. Over the last decade, the number of TBI-related Emergency room visits has increased by 53%.

The CDC defines a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as any disruption in the normal function of the brain.” Unfortunately, no one is immune to TBI. This is especially true of young children (ages 0-4) and older adults (ages 60+), who are at the greatest risk of suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury.

Those who survive a TBI can face impairments that last a lifetime.

Common causes of TBI

Per the CDC, a Traumatic Brain Injury can result from any bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury.” Accident-related injuries often involve falls from ladders and stairs, vehicle collisions, explosive blasts, and high-impact sports such as football, lacrosse, and hockey. TBI can also occur in much more routine form at the house, office, or anywhere else. Something as simple as a swinging cabinet catching you on the head, or a slip in the bathtub, can cause significant trauma to the brain, which is why you and your loved ones should know what TBI looks like and what steps to take in the event of a brain-related injury.

Symptoms of TBI

Traumatic brain-related injuries vary in terms of effects on both the body and the mind. Physical symptoms can include but are not limited to: sudden unconsciousness, dizziness, loss of balance, headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting. Mentally, an injured person may be affected in the form of mood swings, feelings of depression, difficulty sleeping, problems concentrating or recalling certain events, as well as numerous other psychological ailments and disorders.

What if I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury at work?

First and foremost, seek medical treatment right away. Then, once your health is being looked after, speak with an attorney about steps you can take to protect you and your family’s financial future. Also, please know that if you or a loved one suffered work-related injuries in New York State, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits regardless of who was at fault. Call us Schwartzapfel® Lawyers today to find out how workers’ comp can help alleviate unnecessary financial burdens so that you can focus on what’s important: getting better.

Recovering damages after a Traumatic Brain Injury

For the most part, damages should be assessed on a case-by-case basis. This is because no two cases are identical, which is why it is important to hire a personal injury attorney you can trust to be dedicated and hands-on. That said, as New York State usually prohibits employees from suing their employers, something many cases have in common is that by filing a workers’ comp claim you may well be putting yourself and your family in a position to receive the maximum money and benefits you are entitled to by law.

In Closing

The lawyers at this law firm are nationally recognized experts in handling traumatic brain injury cases.

TBI is a serious issue that requires serious attention, which is why if you or someone you love has suffered a brain-related injury, you will need two types of professionals in your corner: medical doctors and experienced attorneys, both of whom should be willing to fight for you every step of the way. 

Also, please be aware that while the law is on your side, time is not. To delay is to be defeated, so take action today and win what’s rightfully yours! Call Schwartzapfel® Lawyers for your free consultation. It would be our honor and privilege to hear what you have to say. 

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